Citation: | WANG Zhiwei, LIN Liting, LI Xin. Research progress on low-temperature sintered silver and gold-based surface interconnections[J]. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHINA WELDING INSTITUTION, 2023, 44(12): 116-123. DOI: 10.12073/j.hjxb.20230613010 |
Sintered silver has strong thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and mechanical qualities, allowing it to accomplish "low-temperature sintering, high-temperature applications" in high-temperature high-power electronic devices. However, the interconnections between sintered silver and gold-based surfaces continue to suffer from issues such as low shear strength and poor dependability. Therefore, firstly, the interconnection mechanism and performance of sintered silver and different interfaces are compared, focusing on summarizing the sintered silver-gold interconnection mechanism and key influencing factors. Then, the existing sintered silver-gold interconnection processes are summarized in terms of sintering process, gold-based interface preparation and reliability. Finally, through the review of the research results in the field of silver-gold interconnections, the future development direction of the silver-gold interconnections topic is prospected.
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