Fabrication and property of nano-SiC whisker/ZrO_2 composite thermal barrier coatings
Graphical Abstract
SiC whisker(SiCw)/ZrO2 composite thermal barrier coatings(CTBCs) were sprayed by micro-plasma on stainless steel substrates.Both nano-ZrO2 and micro-ZrO2 were used in the CTBCs.The zirconia powders were 7 wt% Y2O3 partially stabilized ZrO2(YPSZ).Microstructure of the coatings was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The chemical composition of the top coating was measured by energy dispersive X-ray(EDX).Phase content of the coatings investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD).In the spraying process, a large quantity of SiCw in the powder has been decomposed at high temperature, which produces pores in the top coating, and little SiCw embedded in the top coating decreases the thermal stress, nailing and bridging the coating.With SiCw content increasing, the porosity of composite TBCs was increased, and the thermal shock life was improved firstly and weakened later.The highest thermal shock resistance was achieved at 20% volume ratio of SiCw to nano-ZrO2, was better than that of the single ZrO2 coatings.