Numerical calculations of residual stress in Ti(C, N) 40Cr brazed joint
Graphical Abstract
To obtain the effect of copper and molybdenum interlayer on the residual stress of Ti(C, N) 40Cr brazed joint, the finite element mothod was conducted. The simulation results showed that the high tensile stress concentration with a maximum stressmagnitude of 268 MPa happens at the narrow zone near ceramic steel seam in the ceramic side without interlayer, but when the metal with copper foil of low yield stress was used as interlayer, the residual stress can be significantly decreased, and the maximum residual tensile stress reduce to 98MPa, andthere are to change of maximum genetic zone in brazed joint with interlyer and with outinterlayer. When the low linear expansion coefficient metal molybdenum was used, the maximum stress occurred at the molybdenum interlayer zone, which gave a less residual stress reduction effect than copper foil. It also can be seen that the optimum interlayer thickness is about 0.8 mm for either interlayer kinds, and the thickness with thicker or thinner than 0.8 mm will be harmful to stress reduction efect.