A DSP-based controller design for three-level flying capacitor invert welding supply converter
Graphical Abstract
Three-level (TL) Pulse-Width-Modulate (PWM) converters has a number of applications and digital control enhances their performance.A Zero Voltage and Zero Current Switch (ZVZCS)TL DC\DC converter was proposed by using phase-shift control with the flying capacitor in the primary side to achieve ZVS for the outer switches. The voltage value of the switches of the threelevel leg is the half of the input voltage. Compared with other threelevel topologies, the Flying Capacitor Voltage-Source Converter(FCVSC)topology has a number of unique characteristics such as the Cascaded Converter and the Neutral-Point-Clamped one. A PWM controller suitable for three-level flying capacitor converters was designed by using a popular TMS320LF2407A DSP board for implementation.