Liquid spreading and micro structure of Ti/Cu eutectic reaction
Graphical Abstract
The liquid spreading and structure of Ti/Cu eutectic reaction couples were primarily studied.The results showed that the spreading behaviors are remarkably different with the varied base metals and reactants.When Ti as the base metal,the spreading zone of the eutectic liquid phase is relatively regular circle-like and the contact angle is smaller.When Cu as the base metal,the spreading zone of the eutectic liquid phase is not regular a resorption phenemenon appears.Different assembled Ti/Cu eutectic reaction couples will affect the formation and spreading rate of the liquid when Ti as the base metal and Cu as the reactant.The dissolution of Cu is quick under the condition of this work,and Cu particle is dissolved completely with holding time of 120 s,but it will spend 2 100 s for Ti particle dissolved entirely at the same condition.The intermatallic compounds are TiCu、Ti3Cu4、Ti2Cu and TiCu4 Ti/Cu/Ti contact reactive brazing.