Study on low power laser induced twin arc high-efficiency welding TA2 medium-thick plate
Graphical Abstract
The high-efficiency welding of 6 mm TA2 pure titanium plate was realized by using low power pulsed laser induced twin TIG hybrid welding heat source (LITTW). Based on the dynamic behavior of Ti particles, the effect of laser pulse on arc plasma was studied. The results show that the arc energy of LITTW is more concentrated than that of laser induced single TIG welding (LISTW). The welding energy consumption is only 50.9% of that of LISTW, but the welding speed is 2.3 times of that of LISTW. After the laser pulse action, there is a recovery time for the arc plasma to recover from the energy concentration state to the original arc shape. Under the experimental conditions, the recovery time of LITTW is 6.5 ms, which is 3 ms longer than that of LISTW. The stable keyhole morphology in LITTW provides conditions for the continuous transfer of Ti particles to arc plasma and prolongs the recovery time of plasma.