Citation: | YANG Dongqing, WANG Xiaowei, HUANG Yong, LI Xiaopeng, WANG Kehong. Microstructure and mechanical properties of 18 Ni maraging steel deposited by gas metal arc additive manufacturing[J]. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHINA WELDING INSTITUTION, 2020, 41(8): 6-9, 21. DOI: 10.12073/j.hjxb.20200608002 |
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冯英超, 刘金平, 王世杰, 等. 固溶处理对Inconel 625合金电弧增材组织的影响[J]. 焊接学报, 2018, 39(6): 81 − 85.
Feng Yingcao, Liu Jinping, Wang Shijie, et al. Effect of solution treatment on the microstructure of Inconel 625 alloy fabricated by arc additive manufacturing[J]. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2018, 39(6): 81 − 85.
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