

付强, 罗英, 杨敏, 刘川

付强, 罗英, 杨敏, 刘川. RPV顶盖和CRDM管座焊接残余应力三维数值模拟[J]. 焊接学报, 2015, 36(11): 105-108.
引用本文: 付强, 罗英, 杨敏, 刘川. RPV顶盖和CRDM管座焊接残余应力三维数值模拟[J]. 焊接学报, 2015, 36(11): 105-108.
FU Qiang, LUO Ying, YANG Min, LIU Chuan. Three-dimensional numerical simulation on welding residual stress in weld between RPV head and CRDM nozzle[J]. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHINA WELDING INSTITUTION, 2015, 36(11): 105-108.
Citation: FU Qiang, LUO Ying, YANG Min, LIU Chuan. Three-dimensional numerical simulation on welding residual stress in weld between RPV head and CRDM nozzle[J]. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHINA WELDING INSTITUTION, 2015, 36(11): 105-108.


Three-dimensional numerical simulation on welding residual stress in weld between RPV head and CRDM nozzle

  • 摘要: 制造了反应堆压力容器顶盖和控制杆驱动机构(CRDM)管座贯穿件J形密封焊模拟件,测试了焊接过程温度和焊后残余应力;采用分段移动温度热源模型和热力耦合方法实现了三维焊接温度场和应力场的高效计算,并与试验结果进行了比较;基于模拟的三维残余应力场研究了J形密封焊的应力分布特征. 结果表明,采用的模型和方法能实现J形密封焊残余应力的高效数值计算,计算和试验结果符合较好;J形密封焊缝上的纵向应力大于轴向应力,贯穿件内外壁应力不均匀,焊缝和贯穿件坡上和坡下区域的应力大于侧坡区域应力.
    Abstract: A mock-up of control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzle on the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head was manufactured with J-type groove. The temperature during welding and the residual stress were measured. The segmented temperature heat source model and the thermal-mechanical coupling method were adopted to efficiently simulate the welding temperature field and residual stress field, and the simulated results were compared with the experimental ones. Based on the simulated results, the residual stress distribution characteristic in the J-weld was analyzed. The investigated results show that the proposed model and the simulation procedure can efficiently obtain the residual stress field in the J-weld between RPV head and the CRDM nozzle, the simulated results generally agree with the measured ones; the longitudinal stress in the J-weld is greater than the axial stress. The stresses on the outer and inner wall of the nozzle are non-uniform. In addition, the stresses in the weld and the nozzle at the up-hill and down-hill regions are larger than those at the side-hill region.
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    3. 陈俊锋. CRDM管座贯穿件密封焊工艺改进研究. 电焊机. 2020(11): 58-63+145 . 百度学术
    4. 马小明,卢冠鹏. 基于Simufact的CRDM管座焊接残余应力数值模拟. 焊接技术. 2017(05): 51-54 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2014-02-19


