

Analysis on Influencing Mechanism of Periodical Ultrasound on Formation of TIG Weld of Aluminum Alloys

  • 摘要: 超声可以影响铝合金TIG焊熔池结晶与焊缝成形,文中对超声场下铝锂合金TIG焊缝成形的机制进行了分析.文中分析了超声作用下焊缝宏观形貌及熔池上表面振动的变化,并通过有限元分析了超声对熔池流动的影响.周期超声使焊缝出现周期性的凸起,焊缝熔宽有变小趋势.超声使熔池上表面振动幅度增大,周期超声使熔池上表面产生周期性的振动.对焊缝周期性凸起产生的机制进行分析.结果表明,声流使熔池流动速度增大,熔池边缘熔体流动状态变化,熔池凝固后在熔池边缘产生凸起.周期超声周期性地影响熔池的流动及凝固,因此熔池边缘产生周期性凸起.


    Abstract: Ultrasound could effectively affect the crystallizationbehavior of weld metal and the formation of TIG weld of aluminum alloy. In this work, the influence mechanism of ultrasound on the formation of TIG weld of Al-Li alloy was analyzed. The macro morphology of weld and the vibration of weld pool surface was investigated. The effect of ultrasound on the fluidity of weld pool was analyzed by finite element simulation. The results showed that the ultrasonic energy resulted in a periodical lifting on the top surface of TIG weld and a decrease in the weld width. The ultrasound could increase the periodical vibration amplitude on the top surface of weld pool. The formation mechanism of the periodical deformation of molten pool was analyzed. The ultrasound increased the velocity of fluid and made the melt flows change around the edge of weld pool. The embossment appearance was formed at the edge of weld pool after solidification. The ultrasonic energy periodically affected the fluidity of the molten metal and the crystallization of the weld so that the periodical embossments appeared on the top surface of TIG weld.


