

Notch stress concepts for fatigue assessment of welded portal crane rail structure

  • 摘要: 为研究焊接工艺对场桥导轨疲劳性能的影响,应用缺口应力法对试件的疲劳性能进行评估.建立了场桥导轨试件的有限元模型,分析了试件形状、尺寸、边界条件对缺口应力值的影响,并根据计算结果绘制了场桥导轨试件的S-N中值曲线和设计曲线.结果表明,试件的形状、尺寸和边界条件均对缺口应力值有一定的影响.缺口应力法适用于场桥导轨焊接结构的疲劳评估,其计算结果可以反映这些客观因素的影响,降低试验数据的离散性,当试件形状相差不大时,以缺口应力表示的试验数据可以用一条S-N曲线进行表征.


    Abstract: In order to analyze the effect of welding process on fatigue properties of portal crane rail, the notch stress concepts was used on the evaluation of specimens' fatigue properties. The finite element models of welded portal crane rail specimens was established, and the influence of the specimens' shape, size and boundary conditions on the notch stress value were analyzed. According to the calculation results, the S-N curve and design curve were mapped. The result shows that, the notch stress value is influenced by factors of shape, size, and boundary conditions of the specimens. Notch stress is suitable for the fatigue assessment of welded portal crane rail structure; Since the calculation results can reflect the impact of objective factors and reduce the discreteness of the experimental data. Under these circumstances, if all the specimens have the same shape, the experimental data can be characterized by one S-N curve of notch stress.


