

Restoration of robot automatic welding locus based on laser ranging for welding of H-shaped steel corrugated web

  • 摘要: 基于国内外波纹腹板H型钢机器人自动焊接研究情况,提出了一种机器人自动焊接波纹板的新方法. 基于工控机系统可离线编程及运行过程中实时存储数据的优点和机器人多自由度的良好可达性,通过编程使工控机与机器人之间实现交互通信,借助编码器和传感器外部设备与采集卡配合使用实现数据的采集与存储. 利用改进后的限幅滤波算法处理数据,将处理后的数据传输至机器人,机器人执行程序文件,从而实现波纹腹板H型钢的机器人自动焊接. 结果表明,该方法是可行的,且具有很高的实用性,旨在为将来波纹腹板H型钢的自动化焊接发展提供一个参考.


    Abstract: According to the research situation of robotic welding of corrugated web at home and aboard, a new method for robot automatic welding of corrugated web was proposed based on the advantages as off-line programming and real-time data storing of industrial personal computer (IPC) system and the good accessibility of robot. A kind of interactive communication between IPC and robot was established firstly by programming. The data of corrugated web were acquired and saved by encoder, external device of sensor and capture card. The saved data were transmitted to robot after being processed by the improved amplitude-limiting filtering algorithm. Robot executed the program files to complete automatic welding of H-shaped steel corrugated web. Results show that the proposed method is feasible and practical. The purpose is to provide a reference for the future development of automatic welding of H-shaped steel corrugated web.


