

Numerical analysis model for fluid flow in laser+GMAW hybrid welding

  • 摘要: 基于FLUENT软件,建立了适用、高效的激光+GMAW复合焊流体流动数值分析模型. 将电弧热输入视为双椭球热源模型,采用基于小孔尺寸的锥体热源模型描述激光热流分布;将金属填充过程视为液态金属从熔池上部边界以一定速度流入熔池过程,并通过对液态金属流速施加时间脉冲函数,模拟熔滴的过渡频率;模型简化了小孔的计算过程,主要考虑熔池中存在的弯曲小孔对流体的影响. 利用FLUENT软件,对激光+GMAW复合热源焊熔池流体流动及小孔形态进行了模拟计算和分析. 结果表明,模型能够合理反映小孔及复合焊流体流动模式的主要特征,且提高了计算效率.


    Abstract: Based on FLUENT software, an adaptive and computationally efficient numerical analysis model for fluid flow in laser+GMAW hybrid welding was developed. Arc heat input and laser energy were described using double-ellipsoid heat source model and cone model based keyhole size, respectively. Metal filling in hybrid welding was treated as the process of liquid metal flowing into weld pool from the boundary above the weld pool at a certain velocity, and the droplet transfer frequency was considered through applying the time pulse function to flow velocity of liquid metal. For this model, the calculation of keyhole was simplified and the influence of bent keyhole on fluid flow pattern in hybrid weld pool was mainly taken into account. HJ1.5mmThe fluid flow and keyhole behavior in laser+GMAW hybrid welding were simulated and analyzed by FLUENT. The results show that the established model can reflect the main features of keyhole and fluid flow in laser+GMAW hybrid welding and improve the calculation efficiency.


