

Effects of pulse current on droplet transfer in hyperbaric pulsed MIG welding

  • 摘要: 高压环境对焊接电弧和熔滴过渡有很大的负面作用,试验以脉冲MIG焊电流电压波形、U-I相图和熔滴过渡图为主要评价手段,分析了压力环境对脉冲MIG焊的影响规律,总结了脉冲峰值电流和脉冲基值电流的优化对焊接电弧和熔滴过渡稳定性的改善作用. 结果表明,压力环境使电弧燃烧激烈,熔滴过渡不稳定. 脉冲峰值电流的优化能有效提高高气压环境下焊接电弧和熔滴过渡的稳定性. 相比之下,脉冲基值电流的优化虽然对电弧燃烧的稳定性有积极作用,但是效果相对较小. 高压环境下脉冲电流的优化为焊接的稳定性提供有效的技术手段.


    Abstract: Environment pressure has negative effect on welding arc stability and droplet transfer in hyperbaric pulsed MIG welding. Through evaluating the MIG welding current waveforms, voltage waveforms, U-I diagrams and droplet transfer diagrams, the effects of pulse and base current on the welding arc stability and droplet transfer under different environment pressure were studied in detail. After a series of experiments, it was confirmed that the hyperbaric environment pressure can induce droplet transfer instability. The optimization of pulse peak current can improve the stability of the welding arc and droplet transfer effectively. By contrast, the optimization of pulse base current on arc stability has a positive effect, but the effect is relatively weak. This conclusion provides the effective theoretical and practical support for the stability of welding process in hyperbaric environment.


