Numerical simulation of fluid flow and temperature fields for double-sided ForceArc welding
摘要: 基于超威弧(ForceArc)焊接时电弧的形态特征,及超短电弧下实现强制熔滴喷射过渡的特点,采用双椭圆分布热源模型及峰值指数熔滴热焓衰减分布模型. 通过分析工件坡口形貌对ForceArc焊接物理过程的影响,建立贴体坐标系下的ForceArc焊接过程三维瞬态数值分析模型. 模拟了不同预热温度及层间温度对焊接过程的影响,分析了工件上下坡口形貌对熔池传热、传质的影响,并与试验结果进行了对比. 结果表明,文中所建模型能够较好地模拟ForceArc焊接过程,对优化其焊接工艺参数具有一定的指导意义.Abstract: Considering the arc features of ForceArc welding process and its ability to realize mandatory spray transfer under short arc, the double elliptical heat source model and the exponentially-tapered peak value of droplet heat content in Gaussian cylinder was utilized. Based on the influence of groove geometry on ForceArc welding physical process, 3D transient numerical models for ForceArc welding process were set up under body fitted coordinate system. The influences of different preheating and interpass temperatures on welding process were simulated, the effects of groove shape on heat and mass transfer of weld pool were also analyzed and compared with experimental data. The results show that these models agree well with ForceArc welding process and can be used to optimize ForceArc welding parameters.