

Influence of CH compound and Ni60A on microstructure and mechanical properties of 304 stainless steel specimens by laser rapid forming

  • 摘要: 采用5 kW横流CO2激光器在Q235基材上快速成形三种不同成分的304不锈钢粉末,分别为标准304不锈钢粉末,添加CH化合物的304不锈钢粉末,添加CH化合物以及Ni60A的304不锈钢粉末,通过试验方法观察三种不同成分的304不锈钢激光快速成形试件的的显微组织,研究其综合力学性能. 结果表明,在304不锈钢粉末内添加CH化合物能显著提高激光快速成型试件的显微硬度,抗拉强度和断后伸长率,显微组织得到细化;而同时添加CH化合物及Ni60A的试件的抗拉强度及显微硬度得到更大的提高,但断后伸长率却有一定程度的降低.


    Abstract: This paper aimed to investigate the comprehensive mechanical properties of the specimen formed by 5 kw CO2 laser rapid forming with three types of 304 stainless steel powders on Q235 substrate, namely, one standard 304 stainless steel powder, one kind of 304 stainless steel powder with CH compound, one kind of 304 stainless steel powder with the addition of CH compound and Ni60A. The results showed that the CH addition can significantly enhance the microhardness, tensile strength and elongation of the specimens and the microstructure was refined. Besides, with the addition of CH compound and Ni60A in the 304 stainless steel powder, the tensile strength and microhardness of the specimens was increased gradually while its elongation was decreased.


