

Effect of hot-cutting defect on reliability of brazing process in ceramic package manufacturing——Ⅱ. Brazing structure design

  • 摘要: 陶瓷封装钎焊组装工艺可靠性由工艺过程中的应力与此前在陶瓷中形成的缺陷之间的交互作用决定.针对在陶瓷元件不同位置分布的缺陷类型不同及危险程度不同这一特性,通过ANSYS有限元软件对钎焊组装应力在陶瓷元件中的分布特性进行分析,基于将高的工艺应力和危险性缺陷在空间中错位的设计思想进行接头结构设计,以提高钎焊组装工艺的可靠性.结果表明,这种有别于传统的应力设计中进行整体应力降低优化的观点,是针对陶瓷封装制造缺陷空间分布特性的一种更为灵活的接头结构设计方法,对提高陶瓷封装制造可靠性具有实效性意义.


    Abstract: Reliability of brazing process in ceramic package manufacturing depends on the interaction between thermal stress induced by mismatch of CTE(coefficient of thermal expansion) and defect in ceramic generated in the process before brazing. This paper based on the feature that defects with different degrees of danger spatially locate differently, and employed ANSYS software to analyze the distribution of the thermal stress in brazing process. A novel idea of avoiding the stress locating at defect region was applied to improve the reliability of assembly process. This idea is different from the traditional optimizing method to lowering the stress over the whole component, and is more flexible for the package design, and it is also more effective for improving the reliability of ceramic package manufacturing.


