

Effect of bonding temperature on interfacial microstructure and properties of TiAl/Ti_3AlC_2 joint

  • 摘要: 采用Ti/Ni复合中间层实现了TiAl合金和Ti3AlC2陶瓷的扩散连接,利用SEM,XRD等分析方法对接头界面结构进行了分析.结果表明,TiAl/Ti3AlC2接头典型界面结构为TiAl/Ti3Al+Al3NiTi2/Ti3Al/α-Ti+Ti2Ni/Ti2Ni/TiNi/Ni3Ti/Ni/Ni3(Ti,Al)/Ni3Al+TiCx+Ti3AlC2/Ti3AlC2.随着连接温度的升高,TiAl/Ti界面处的Tiss层逐渐减小,Ti3Al化合物层逐渐变厚;TiNi化合物层厚度显著增加,Ti2Ni和Ni3Ti层厚度基本保持不变.接头抗剪强度随连接温度升高先增加后减小,当连接温度为850℃时,接头的抗剪强度最高可达到85.3 MPa.接头主要在Ni/Ti3AlC2界面及Ti3AlC2基体处发生断裂.


    Abstract: Diffusion bonding of TiAl alloy and Ti3AlC2 ceramic was achieved by using Ti/Ni composite interlay. The interfacial microstructure of TiAl/Ti3AlC2 joint was analyzed by SEM, EDS and XRD, and was determined as TiAl/Ti3Al+Al3NiTi2/Ti3Al/α-Ti+Ti2Ni/Ti2Ni/TiNi/Ni3Ti/Ni/Ni3(Ti, Al)/Ni3Al+TiCx+Ti3AlC2/Ti3AlC2. As the bonding temperature increased, the thickness of Tiss in TiAl/Ti interface gradually reduced, the Ti3Al intermetallic layer gradually thickened, and the thickness of TiNi intermetallic layer increased significantly, while the thickness of Ti2Ni and Ni3Ti intermetallics layers remained substantially constant. The shear strength of joints first increased and then decreased with increasing the bonding temperature. The maximum shear strength of the joint can reach 85.3 MPa when bonded at 850℃. The joint fracture occurred mainly in Ni/Ti3AlC2 interface and Ti3AlC2 matrix.


