

Ultrasonic brazing of SiCp/Almatrix composites and Fe36Ni alloy

  • 摘要: 利用超声波钎焊方法使用ZnAlSi钎料实现了Fe36Ni合金与45%SiCp/2024Al和55%SiCp/A356两种复合材料的连接,并得到由SiC颗粒增强的复合焊缝.通过扫描电镜、能谱等方法对焊缝的微观结构以及断口形貌进行了观察,对接头的压剪强度进行了测试,分析了Fe36Ni与两种复合材料钎焊接头微观组织和接头强度的差异.结果表明,在Fe36Ni与两种复合材料的钎缝中,钎料与两侧母材界面均形成良好的冶金结合,SiC颗粒均匀分布于焊缝中.Fe36Ni与45%SiCp/2024Al的接头抗剪强度为110~145 MPa,Fe36Ni与55%SiCp/A356的接头抗剪强度为75~85 MPa.Fe36Ni与45%SiCp/2024Al的接头断裂位置为钎缝中,而Fe36Ni与55%SiCp/A356的接头断裂位置位于Fe36Ni与钎料的界面上.


    Abstract: Fe36Ni alloy was joined to two kinds of SiC particle reinforced Al matrix composites(Al MCCs) of 45 SiCp/2024 and 55% SiCp/A356 by ultrasonic brazing with ZnAlSi filler metal. Moreover, the microstructure and fracture appearance of the joints was investigated by SEM and EDS, and the shear strength of the joints was evaluated through shear test. The differences of the microstructures, the strength and fracture appearance of the Fe36 Ni alloy and Al MCCs joints were analyzed in details. The results show that the filler metal and the base metalsat both sides can form a good metallurgical bonding by ultrasonic brazing, and SiC particles are uniformly distributed in the brazed seam. The shear strength of Fe36 Ni alloy with 45%SiCp/2024 Al joint are about 110-145 MPa, which is more than that of Fe36 Ni alloy with 55% SiCp/A356 joint of 75-85 MPa.The fracture occurs in the brazed seam of Fe36 Ni alloy with 45%SiCp/2024 Al, while the joint of Fe36 Ni alloy with the 55% SiC P/A356 fractures on the interface of Fe36 Ni and the filler metal.


