Microstructure of friction welded joint between single crystal superalloy DD3 and fine grain superalloy FGH4095
摘要: 对单晶DD3与粉末细晶FGH4095高温合金摩擦焊接接头,采用光学显微镜及SEM-EDS分析了接头组织、焊合区成分变化及接头连接机理.结果表明,焊合区两侧材料均形成了动态再结晶晶粒;连接界面位于两侧动态再结晶晶粒之间;连接界面两侧合金元素发生了扩散;两侧动态再结晶晶粒均有向对方弓形凸入长大的趋势,通过形成共同晶粒,实现两种异质材料的连接;FGH4095侧的动态再结晶晶粒向DD3一侧长大的趋势较大.DD3与FGH4095摩擦焊接过程中发生了摩擦面转移,实际的摩擦变形主要在DD3摩擦带内部,接头组织变化梯度大.Abstract: The microstructure and composition of weld zone in friction welded joint between single crystal superalloy D and powder fine grain superalloy FG095 were analyzed by metallographic microscope and SEM-EDS. The results indicate that the dynamic recrystallization grains form on both sides of the bonding interface, which had distinct boundary. In bonding zone, the alloying elements in single crystal superalloy and fine grain superalloy diffused to each other. The dynamic recrystallization grains of the dissimilar rnalerials grew to each other by how shape, and the tendency of FG095 dynamic recrystallization grain growing up to D alloy was more than the opposite tendency. Through mutual grains, these two dissimilar materials were bonded. During friction welding, the friction interface transformed from the interface of D and FG095 to the interior of D friction band. The c hange of microstructure gradient in the joint was great.