

The calculation method for welding restraint intensity of fillet weld in ring-stiffened cylinder

  • 摘要: 针对环肋圆柱壳圈的圆柱壳体与环肋肋骨角焊缝的焊接拘束度的计算问题,采用薄壳理论,通过确定圆柱壳圈在承受均匀环向分布力时的径向位移函数,从而确定角焊缝拘束度计算的解析解.结果表明,决定拘束度的尺寸因素是壳圈厚度h与壳圈半径R的比值,并且拘束度与该比值的1.5次方成正比.壳圈长度对拘束度有影响,度量壳圈长度的尺寸标志量是壳圈厚度和半径的几何平均值即(Rh)0.5.随着壳圈长度的增大,拘束度增大,但存在极限值.即壳圈长度L>5(Rh)0.5时,可按长壳圈计算拘束度;当壳圈长度L<2(Rh)0.5时,壳圈的拘束度与壳圈的长度成正比.


    Abstract: To calculate the welding restraint intensity of the fillet weld and ring-stiffened cylinder,the theory of cylindrical shells was used to obtain the analytical solution of the welding restraint intensity of fillet by determining the radial displacement function of even circumferentially distributed force.The results show that the welding restraint intensity was proportional to the 1.5 power of the ratio of the thickness h to the cylindrical diameter R.The effect of the ring length on the restraint intensity was determined by the geometric mean of R and h.The restraint intensity increased with the increase of the ring length.The restraint intensity reached the limit when L/(Rh)1/2> 5,and the restraint intensity was proportional to the ring length when L/(Rh)1/2< 2. Key words


