Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser multi-layer deposition of Ti-6Al-3Mo alloy
摘要: 以纯Ti,Al,Mo元素粉末为原料,采用激光多层沉积技术制备Ti-6Al-3Mo合金,研究了激光多层沉积Ti-6Al-3Mo合金的微观组织特征及硬度分布.首先针对合金沉积层的凝固组织展开研究,分析激光多层沉积Ti-6Al-3Mo合金的凝固组织的形态特征及形成规律,并结合多元合金凝固柱状晶/等轴晶转变模型分析其形成机理.结果表明,激光多层沉积Ti-6Al-3Mo合金的凝固组织由外延生长的粗大柱状晶组成,仅在沉积试样的最顶部,形成一层薄薄的细小等轴晶;其次研究了β晶内α相的形成和分布.结果表明,原始β晶内的微观组织主要由大量的α束域,初生魏氏α板条以及板条间β相组成.在组织研究的基础上,对沉积层不同区域的硬度分布进行测试,为激光多层沉积Ti-6Al-3Mo合金的进一步深入研究及应用奠定科学基础.Abstract: A novel Ti-6Al-3Mo alloy was prepared by laser multi-layer deposition from pure Ti,Al and Mo powders,and the microstructure and hardness distribution of the deposited layers were investigated.Firstly,the morphology of the prior-β grains and formation mechanism of the grain morphology were investigated combining with the columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) mechanism during solidification.It was found that the deposited layers are dominated by the large columnar grains growing epitaxially,and only some smaller sizes of equiaxed grains exist at the very top.Secondly,the microstructure in the prior grains was studied,and it was found that the microstructure of laser deposited Ti-6Al-3Mo is composed of some primary α laths,a large quantity of α colonies and the residual phase.Finally, the micro-hardness distribution of the deposited layers was tested.The work would lay a foundation for the further study and application of laser multi-layer deposition of Ti-6Al-3Mo alloy.