Effect of ultra-high frequency pulse square-wave current on 5A06 aluminum alloy HPVP-GTAW joints
摘要: 采用复合超高频脉冲方波变极性钨极氩弧焊接工艺(HPVP-GTAW)进行5A06铝合金平板的焊接加工,试验研究超高频脉冲方波电流对焊缝显微组织和接头力学性能的影响.结果表明,超高频脉冲方波电流频率对5A06铝合金焊缝组织性能会产生显著影响,脉冲电流频率在40~60 kHz范围内时,焊缝中心区域α(Al)固溶体内β(Mg2Al3)相弥散质点的析出数量增多,接头软化程度降低,拉伸性能明显提高,抗拉强度和断后伸长率分别达到母材金属的93%和80%以上;在脉冲电流频率20 kHz条件下,改变脉冲电流幅值和脉冲占空比的大小,所获焊缝的组织性能无明显变化.Abstract: Based on the novel hybrid ultra-high frequency pulse square-wave variable polarity gas tungsten arc welding (HPVP-GTAW) technique,the effect of ultra-high frequency pulse square-wave current on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 5A06 aluminum alloy joints was investigated. The experimental results show that the frequency of pulse square-wave current had an important influence on the microstructure characteristics of the resultant weld. With the pulse current frequency between 40 kHz and 60 kHz,the amount of β(Mg2Al3) grains increased and the softening of joints decreased,the mechanical properties of joints were improved obviously. The tensile strength and percentage elongation of the joint reached more than 93% and 80% of the base metal,respectively. While the pulse frequency was kept constant at 20 kHz,the variation of pulse current amplitude and duty cycle had not obvious influence on the weld quality.