Design of oxygen nozzle for oxy-propane gas cutting
摘要: 针对氧丙烷快速割嘴工作特点,根据空气动力学原理,为氧丙烷快速割嘴氧通道型面曲线设计开发了工具软件,可以通过给定简单的参数,实现氧通道型面曲线的快速设计.利用所设计的软件完成了一个氧通道方案,并通过计算流体力学软件对氧通道流场进行了数值模拟,得到了割嘴氧通道在其设计工作状态下的氧气射流流场速度、马赫数、氧气质量分数等特性参数分布.结果表明,该割嘴氧通道在设计工作压力下工作性能良好.同时验证了所设计的工具软件的可靠性.Abstract: According to the characteristics of oxy-propane gas cutting nozzle and the aerodynamic principles a software has been developed for oxygen nozzle design.Oxygen nozzle flow profile data and other parameters of oxygen flow would be calculated out by inputing several processing parameters.The paper presented an example of oxygen nozzle designed by the software tool.Computational fluid dynamics(CFD) simulation is employed to analyze the flow field characteristic parameters as the oxygen nozzle is working under the design pressure.Analysis of the distribution of oxygen jet flow velocity, mach number, and oxygen mass fraction have been carried out.The results show that the designed oxygen nozzle works and also indicate the correctness and reliability of the software.