Application of computes-aided ultrasonic phased array in inspection of weld in TKY tubular node
摘要: 采用解析几何理论与方法,对TKY管节点焊缝进行了数学模型的构建.在获得管节点焊缝截面图形基础上,按照规定尺寸绘制焊缝接头,并依据实物尺寸绘制相控阵探头轮廓和超声波的声束线.运用计算机辅助技术实现了焊接接头声束覆盖范围可视化效果,较好地指导了相控阵检测工艺设计,能够对TKY管节点焊缝超声检测盲区进行评估,从而克服了相控阵超声检测参数设置的盲目性.对人工设计的Y形管节点焊缝试样检测表明,利用超声相控阵成像技术和计算机辅助技术相结合手段有助于管节点焊缝作快速检测和评价.Abstract: Analytic geometry theories and methods were applied to found the mathematical model of welds in TKY tubular node.According to the regulation of the size,welded joints were drawn after getting weld cross-section in tubular node.The ultrasonic phased array probe profile was designed on the basis of its physical size,and ultrasonic beam was also designed.The computer-aided technology can achieve the beam coverage of welded joints,which can commendably guide the design of ultrasonic phased array inspection and evaluate ultrasonic test blind areas of weld in TKY tubular node.The blindness of setting parameters can be overcome in the course of ultrasonic phased array inspection.Tests of weld in artificial Y tubular node indicated that the combination of ultrasonic phased array imaging technology and computer-aided techniques contributed to rapid detection and evaluation of weld in tubular node.