

Characterization of submerged arc welding seam formation based on binocular stereo vision

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于双目立体视觉实现焊缝成形评判的新方法.首先,采用搭建的双目立体视觉系统获取了焊缝表面成形的图像信息,并对获得的图像进行了灰度均衡、高斯滤波等预处理.其次,采用动态阈值分割算法,以及膨胀、腐蚀等形态学处理方法精确提取了焊缝成形边缘轮廓,探索了焊缝的长度、宽度、高度等立体成形参数的图像信息表征方法.结果表明,获取的焊缝宽度标准方差sW、余高标准方差sH、过渡角αLαR等参数可作为焊缝成形评判的量化指标.


    Abstract: A new method of monitoring weld formation by means of binocular stereo vision is put forward.First,the images of weld formation were collected from joints surface on the vision system.The images were pretreated for gray balance and Gauss filter before image segmentation.Second,edges of weld formation were precisely extracted from the binary images by means of dynamic threshold segmentation and morphological approach of expansion and corrosion.On the basis,a method to measure weld length,weld width,weld height and other weld formation parameters was explored.At last,the actual verification results showed that standard deviation of weld width sW,standard deviation of weld height sH,and transition angel αL and αR could be made as quantitative indicators of evaluating weld formation.


