

Numerical study on influence of axial pressure on inertia friction welding

  • 摘要: 在ABAQUS有限元软件二次开发环境下建立了GH4169高温合金管惯性摩擦焊接二维模型.采用了网格重划分技术模拟了不同焊接轴向压力对焊接接头温度场和轴向缩短量的影响.对温度场进行了综合分析,得到了不同轴向压力下接头温度场的变化规律.同时结合焊接接头轴向缩短量的变化,分析了轴向压力对接头飞边形貌的影响.结果表明,随着压力的增大,飞轮动能转化焊接热能效率明显提高,界面迅速到达高温动态平衡区间,有效形成均匀飞边;然而压力过大不利于接头温度均匀化,可能造成强烈的应力集中.压力参数为400 MPa可获得较佳质量接头.


    Abstract: A 2-D finite element model of inertia friction welding of GH4169 tubular was established based on the ABAQUS environment.The effect of axial pressure on the temperature field and axial upset of the joint was investigated by adopting the remeshing technique.The variations of joint temperature field under different axial pressures were also expounded.Moreover,according to the change of axial upset,the effect of axial pressure on the flash shape was analyzed.The results show that increasing axial pressure can significantly raise the conversion efficiency from flywheel kinetic energy to weld heat,shorten the time to high temperature quasi-steady state,and obtain flash shape.However,an extensively large pressure is negative to temperature field uniformity,which may result in bad stress concentration.At last,the pressure of 400 MPa is supposed to be a good parameter in this study.


