

Analysis of nitrogen-alloying deposited material of 1Cr13NbTi stainless steel

  • 摘要: 用氮代替部分碳,通过铌、钛固氮形成氮合金化1Cr13NbTi堆焊合金,深入分析了碳氮化物的形成机理,进行了耐磨粒磨损性能试验,研究了碳氮化物对堆焊合金耐磨粒磨损行为的影响.结果表明,堆焊合金中的碳氮化物为分布在晶界和晶内的MX(M=Nb,Ti;X=C,N)复合型碳氮化物.焊态和热处理条件下具有不同的数量和尺寸,初生的碳氮化物在焊缝凝固过程中形成并具有较大尺寸,数量较小;大量的细小二次碳氮析出物能在热处理后大量弥散析出,对基体产生明显的沉淀强化作用,在增强堆焊合金硬度减小磨粒锲入深度的同时有效阻碍磨粒的切削,从而获得高的耐磨粒磨损性能.


    Abstract: The nitrogen-alloying deposited material of 1Cr13NbTi stainless steel has been made though nitrogen replacing part of carbon and addition of the nitrogen-fixing elements of niobium and titanium.The precipitation behavior of carbonitride in the deposited alloy was analyzed,and the abrasive wear test of the hardfacing alloy was performed and the effect of carbonitride precipitates on the abrasive wear behaviour was studied.It was found that carbonitride particles were complex MX precipitate distributing on grain boundary and matrix of the deposited alloy with different number and size in as-welded and heat-treated conditions.In as-welded condition,primary carbonitride particles were readily precipitated from the deposited alloy with large size and morphology as they were formed during solidification.In heat treatment condition,a large number of secondary carbonitrides could precipitate-out with very fine size and great secondary hardening effect.The homogeneous distribution fine carbonitride could enhance markedly the hardness of the hardfacing alloy and decrease the depth of the grooving by the abrasive particles,that the abrasive wear resistance of the deposited alloy was improved effectively.


