

Superplastic welding of 1.6%C-UHCS/40Cr steel in an electric field

  • 摘要: 基于对40Cr钢淬火后与经热机械处理超高碳钢1.6% C-UHCS电场作用下超塑性焊接可行性的分析,在非真空、无保护气氛下,进行了电场作用下1.6% C-UHCS/40Cr的超塑性焊接工艺试验.结果表明,当施加试样接正极、环状电极接负极的电场时,可明显提高40Cr钢淬火后与经热机械处理超高碳钢1.6% C-UHCS的超塑性焊接效果.与不加电场相比,当两者在外加电场+3 kV/cm、预压应力56.6 MPa、焊接温度780℃、初始应变速率1.5×10-4/s的条件下,经20 min超塑性焊接,接头强度提高26.8%.


    Abstract: The superplastic welding in an electric field between theromomechanical processed 1.6% C-UHCS and quenched 40Cr steel in atmosphere was conducted based on the analysis of their electro-superplastic weldablity. The results reveal that the performance of 1.6% C-UHCS/40Cr joint can apparently be improved when the sample connects positive,ring connects negative. Thereinto,the superplastic welding of both steels was carried out under the conditions of an electric field intensity of +3 kV/cm, a pre-pressed stress of 56.6 MPa,a welding temperature of 780℃,an initial strain rate of 1.5×10-4/s and welding time of 20 minutes,and the strength of joint increases by 26.8% compared with that obtained without electric field.


