Analysis of fatigue life of electron beam welding seam with bell shape
摘要: 利用MSC公司的系列软件,模拟试验加载条件,将TC4钛合金钟罩型电子束焊接试件划分成焊缝、热影响区和母材3个区域,同时考虑热影响区材料强度的梯度分布,建立有限元模型,详细分析了焊件中的应力和疲劳寿命分布,沿不同观察路径考察了应力分布的规律,并将疲劳寿命分析结果与试验结果进行了比较.结果表明,焊缝对焊件的受力分布有明显影响,并导致应力在焊趾处集中,应力集中系数约为1.3;应力集中造成焊件寿命分布不均,从而降低了焊件的疲劳寿命;焊趾附近为低疲劳寿命区域,疲劳破坏容易从焊趾处起源.Abstract: The bell-shaped TC4 titanium alloy joint of electron beam welding were divided into three zones,namely weld seam,heat-affected zone and base metal.Considering the gradient distribution of the material strength in the heat-affected zone,the finite element model was founded.The series of software of MSC company were used to analyze the distribution of stress and fatigue life under the simulated experimental loading conditions,and the stress distribution along different paths were investigated,and the simulating results of fatigue life were compared with that of experiments.It is shown that the weld seam has noticeable effect on stress distribution of the weldment,which causes the stress concentration with the stress concentration factor of about 1.3 at the weld toe.The uneven distribution of weldment life is caused by stress concentration,so that the fatigue life of weldment is reduced.The fatigue failure usually starts at the weld toe.