

Technique of nickel-based alloy coating produced by hand electric-spark depositing process

  • 摘要: 通过便携式电火花表面强化设备在45钢表面制备镍基合金强化层,从沉积层厚度、沉积层硬度和沉积层微观缺陷三个方面分析了各工艺参数对强化层质量的影响.通过试验分析确定采用该便携设备进行沉积修复时,选用输出功率为1.2 kW,输出电压为128 V,保护气流量为5 L/min的工艺时可获得综合质量最优的沉积层,并在此工艺参数条件下制备了厚为595μm,硬度高达362 HV,无明显缺陷镍基合金沉积层.


    Abstract: Because the surface properties of tool steel can be improved through nickel-base alloy coatings achieved by electric-spark deposition technology,the nickel-based strengthen alloy coating on the surface of steel 45 is achieved by the hand electric-spark deposition equipment.The effects of the processing parameters such as thickness,hardness and microdefect on the coatings are analyzed.Through some tests,the parameters are optimized and the coating with better properties is obtained.The study indicates that the coating with best combination property,which thickness is about 595 μm,microhardness is 362 HV and there are no apparent defects in the coating,is produced when the output voltage is 128 V,the output power is 1.2 kW,and the argon atmosphere is 5 L/min.


