Extraction method of welding seam and defect in ray testing image
摘要: 针对射线检测图像中焊缝和缺陷难于准确检测提取问题,基于逐级局部化处理,提出了一种实用的检测方法.方法充分利用了图像本身已包含的信息,首先通过条带区域特征检测确定焊缝区域在原始图像中的大致位置,然后通过列灰度波形分析确定焊缝边界和缺陷所在的局部区域,并粗分标记区域类型为非裂纹类和裂纹类,最后分别采用基于分水岭变换和Beamlet变换(子束变换)的方法实现了对焊接缺陷的检测提取.结果表明,该方法能较准确地检测各种射线图像的焊缝边界和焊接缺陷,具有良好的适应性和实用性.Abstract: A practical detection method,which takes advantage of the information contained in the image itself,is presented based on local treatment gradually for attacking the difficulties in accurately detecting and extracting weld seam and defect in ray testing image.First of all,the approximate location of the weld zone in the original image is determined by detecting the regional characteristics of bands;then,the local area where the weld boundaries and defect are in is determined by analyzing gray column waveforms,and the area types are divided into the categories of non-crack and crack class roughly;finally,the detection and extraction of welding defects are realized by using the methods based on Watershed Transform and Beamlet Transform respectively.The results show that the method can accurately detect the weld boundaries and weld defect in various ray images and has good adaptability and practicality.