Master-slave coordinated motion controlling of double-sided arc welding robots
摘要: 为了实现低合金高强钢厚板机器人焊接,研究了一种不清根的双面双弧焊机器人柔性加工系统,系统采用集散控制,双面双机器人采用主从协调控制策略,Motoman机器人为主手(正面),KUKA机器人为从手(背面),建立该系统协调运动的算法模型,根据主手焊枪末端位置和姿态,以工件基准路径平面为对称面,经过运动学坐标变换,推导出背面从手机器人工具末端的运动路径点,从而控制从手跟随主手协调运动,经过双机器人协调试验,结果表明,该算法能满足双面双机器人焊接要求.Abstract: A flexible manufacturing system of non root chipping double-sided arc welding robots is studied in order to realize robot automatic welding for thick plate of low alloy high tensile steel.Master-slave coordinated method is adopted.Motoman robot is master and KUKA robot is slave.According to the ending position attitude of welding torch of master hand,reference path plane of plate is look on as symmetric plane.Motion path of slave-hand is deduced by kinematics coordinate conversion.And Master-slave coordinated motion of double-sided arc welding robots is reached and is verified by coordinated motion experiment.