Analysis on vacuum brazing of CBN grits with Ti-base filler
摘要: 采用Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu钎料在优化钎焊温度和时间下对CBN磨粒进行了真空钎焊试验,实现了CBN与钢基体的高强度连接.采用SEM对CBN表面化合物三维形貌进行了观察分析,采用EDS分析了CBN表面化合物及钎料与钢基体界面成分变化,采用XRD对焊后的CBN磨粒及其表面的化合物进行了物相分析,最后对CBN试样进行了断口分析.结果表明,CBN表面生成了Ti元素的的针状、块状化合物TiB2和TiN,磨粒与钎料间界面形成化学冶金结合,这正是CBN与Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu有良好润湿性和高强度连接的主要原因.断口形貌的分析表明,CBN与Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu钎料间的断口发生在CBN磨粒内部,说明CBN磨料与Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu合金钎料的结合强度大于CBN磨粒本身的强度.Abstract: Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu filler was utilized to braze CBN grits in vacuum furnace at different temperatures and times,and good bonding between CBN and steel substrate was gotten.The microstructure and the element distribution of the bonding inter-face,as well as the topography and the phase structure of the compounds on the surface of brazed CBN grits were analyzed by SEM,EDS and XRD.The results show that a layer of needle-like,or block-like Ti compounds such as TiB2 and TiN are formed on the surface of the CBN,thus CBN grits and Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu filler realize chemical metallurgic joining in the interface.And the analysis on fracture appearance shows that the fracture between CBN and Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu filler occurs in CBN,so it can be considered that the joining strength between CBN and Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu filler is higher than that of the CBN.