

CoNiCrAlY alloy deposited on surface of SCH13 steel by laser cladding

  • 摘要: 采用2 kW CO2激光器在SCH13钢表面激光熔覆CoNiCrAlY合金,选择最佳的工艺参数进行激光熔覆处理,可获得性能优良的熔覆层组织.利用扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪、X射线衍射仪、显微硬度计、磨损试验机对激光熔覆层的微观组织形貌、结构及成分、显微硬度和磨损性能进行了系统分析研究.结果表明,CoNiCrAlY合金激光熔覆层与SCH13钢基体存在良好的冶金结合,熔覆层组织细密,无裂纹,稀释率较低,界面处成分均匀平滑过渡;熔覆层主要由γ-Co,FeCr0.29Ni0.16C0.06,FeNi,CoCx及Cr23C6组成;熔覆层平均显微硬度较基体提高3倍以上,其相对耐磨性较基体提高了3.42倍.


    Abstract: The surface of SCH113 steel was deposited with CoNiCrAlY alloy by a high power CO2 laser.Through,the excellent coatings can be acquired by the optimized process pa-rameters.The micro-structure,composition,hardness and corro-sive resistance of the coating were examined by scanning electron microscope (including EDS microanalysis) ,X-ray diffraetome-try,micro thickness meter,wear test machine.The results indi-cated that the coating of CoNiCrAlY alloy has a good metallurgi-cal combination with SCH13 steel,and the other characteristics such as fine microstructure,no cracks,low dilution rate and the smooth transition of elements at the interface.The coatings were consisted of γ-Co,FeCr0.29Ni0.16C0.06,FeNi,CoCx and Cr23C6 phases.The average microhardness of the coating is 3 times higher than that of the SCH13 steel.Furthermore,the wear re-sistance of laser cladded coating is 3.42 times higher than that of the matrix.


