

Cavitation erosion resistance of plasma clad high chromium iron based coating by precursor carbonization-composition process

  • 摘要: 利用前驱体碳化复合技术制备的粉末在中碳钢表面制得等离子熔覆高铬铁基涂层,采用光学显微镜(OM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、显微硬度计、超声振荡磁致伸缩仪等研究了涂层的组织形态和耐空蚀性能,并对腐蚀破坏过程进行分析.结果表明,涂层具有较高的显微硬度,经时间44h空蚀试验后累积的质量损失量为0Cr13Ni6Mo不锈钢的0.497倍,具有一定的耐空蚀性能.硬质相晶界对γ相塑性变形的阻碍以及应力诱发γ相向马氏体组织转变是高铬铁基涂层具有良好耐空蚀性能的主要原因.


    Abstract: The high chromium iron based alloy coating was fabricated on the surface of medium carbon steel by plasma cladding using the powders by precursor carbonization-composition process.Microstructure, hardness distribution and cavitation erosion resistance were observed and measured by OM, X-ray diffraction, SEM, microhardness tester and ultrasonic oscillation magnetostriction strain gauge.The process of cavitation erosion was analyzed.The results show that the coating has high microhardness and good cavitation erosion resistance.The cumulative mass loss is only 49.8% as the one of 0Cr13Ni6Mo steel after 44 hours cavitation erosion.The excellent cavitation erosion resistance of the coaring is due to the following factors:the grain boundary of hard phase hinders plastic deformation of phase γ and the stress induces the phase γ changing to martensite structure.


