

Microstructure transformation and mechanical properties of TC4 alloy joints welded by TIG

  • 摘要: 针对TC4合金TIG焊接头微观组织特征以及焊接过程中的组织转变规律进行了研究,并对接头力学性能进行了分析.经历TIG焊接热循环之后,焊缝及热影响区粗晶区晶粒严重粗化,热影响区晶粒尺寸具有突变特征,过渡区组织呈带状分布,不存在明显的细晶区.升温过程中(α+β)→β转变过程包括两个阶段:原始β→高温β转变和原始α→高温β转变,而且在原始α→高温β转变开始之前,原始β→高温β转变已经完成.冷却过程中在βα'转变区间冷速较慢时,α'相首先在高温β晶界上形核,并向晶内生长,生成针状α';在快速冷却时,α'相在晶内大量形核,形成"筐篮"组织.硬度测量结果表明,粗晶区部位存在一个软化区;接头抗拉强度与母材接近,接头性能优异.


    Abstract: The microstructure and phase transformation of TC4 alloy weld joints during TIG welding were investigated. The mechanical properties of the welded joints were also tested. When the TC4 alloy was heated by TIG arc, grains in the weld bead and heat affected zone (HAZ) were badly coarsening. The grain size in HAZ has mutant character. The microstructure in the transition region presented zonal distribution. There was no obvious fine grained region. In temperature-rise period, the transformation of (α+β)→β was divided into two processes which included the original β→high-temperature β and the original α→high-temperature β. And the previous phase transformation was finished before the next starting. In the cooling process, slowly cooling rate introduced α' phases nucleating at the high-temperature β grain boundary in the βα transform temperature range. The α' martensite grew up into the center of the β grains and generated acicular martensite. With quicker cooling rate, large numbers of α' phase nucleated in the high-temperature β grains and generated orthogonally oriented martensites. Hardness measurements show there is a softened zone in HAZ. Tensile strength of welded joint was approximate with the base metal. And the properties of the welded joints were good.


