Microstructures and mechanical properties of thick AZ31 magnesium alloy welded joint by friction stir welding
摘要: 对10 mm厚板AZ31镁合金成功进行了搅拌摩擦焊接,获得成形良好、表面光滑、无裂纹、无气孔的焊接接头.研究该搅拌摩擦焊接头不同区域的显微组织特征,并通过拉伸、冲击和硬度试验分析了焊接接头的力学性能.结果表明,焊缝中心区是均匀细小的等轴晶粒,热力影响区晶粒大小不均匀,存在较明显的塑性流变带结构;焊接接头的抗拉强度达到母材的80%以上,焊接接头的冲击韧性比母材高,焊接接头的显微硬度比母材稍有降低,焊接接头具有较好的力学性能,说明搅拌摩擦焊是焊接厚板镁合金的一种有效方法。Abstract: 10 mm thick AZ31 magnesium alloy was successfully welded by friction stir welding.The good welded joints without porosity and crack were obtained.The microstructure of friction stir welded joint and its mechanical properties were studied.The results show that fine grains formed in the center of weld zone, the grain size was different and there existed a plastic fluidity grains in the thermo-mechanical affect zone.The strength of the welded joint is more than 80% of the base metal, the impact toughness of the welded joint is better than that of the base metal, the microhardness of the welded joint is a little lower than that of the base metal.The welded joint has good mechanical properties, and friction stir welding is one of the effective method to weld thick magnesium alloy.