

Heating effect of plasma jet and particle flux in plasma spray

  • 摘要: 采用CCD图像采集系统与图像处理技术提取等离子射流长度;以红外测温仪检测的单位时间内基体温度变化来衡量加热效应,研究不同熔射距离与射流长度条件下射流和粉末粒子流对基体的加热效应特点。结果表明,当熔射距离不大于射流长度时,基体温升主要来至于射流加热效应;随着熔射距离增大,射流对基体的加热效应迅速减弱;当熔射距离大于射流长度时,粒子流加热效应比较明显。提出射流长度可以作为合理选择熔射距离的特征评价指标,并通过不同熔射距离条件下熔射皮膜的截面尺寸以及形貌进行验证。


    Abstract: The length of plasma jet was obtained on the basis of digital image processing and the CCD image gathering sy stem, and heating effect was determined through the temperature rising of a substrate in the unit time by an IR pyrometer.Then comparative experiments of heating effect by plasma jet and particle flux were carried out under different spray distances and lengths of plasma jet to analyze their characteristics.Experimental results show that when the length of plasma jet is shorter than or equal to the spray distance, heating effect is dominated by plasma jet.However, if the length is longer than the spray distance, the heating effect of particle flux becomes more and more obvious, but the case for plasma jet drops rapidly.Therefore, the length of plasma jet, as a characteristic evaluation index, can be adopted to select the reasonable spray distance. This is certified by the patterns and cross-section thickness profiles of deposited coatings under different spray distances.


