

Effects of heat treatment on microstructure and properties of electron beam welded TC4 titanium alloy

  • 摘要: 对分别处于退火和固溶时效态的TC4钛合金进行电子束焊接,焊后采用不同的热处理工艺,利用光学显微镜(OM)及X射线衍射(XRD)的方法对这两种TC4焊接件的微观组织及相组成进行了分析,并进行力学性能试验。结果表明,两组试件母材组织均为α相和β相转变组织的机械混合物,但状态和分布不同;退火态试件的热影响区为粗而短的针状α相和少量初生α相,焊缝为单一板条α'马氏体,粗大且分布均匀,属于典型的网篮状组织,而固溶态试件热影响区中的针状α马氏体细小且分布不均;焊缝主要为粗大原始β晶粒内针状回火α'马氏体及晶界α相。这两组试件的抗拉强度及冲击韧度均高于母材,但退火态试件抗拉强度高于固溶态试件,冲击韧度略低于后者。


    Abstract: For electron beam welding(EBW)of TC4 titanium alloy with different preheat treatments and post-weld heat treatment, microstructure and phase composition characteristics of these welds of TC4 were studied by means of optical microscope and X-ray diffraction.Tension and impact test were carried out at room temperature. The results indicated that the microstructure of two kinds of base metals is the mixture of α phasse and β phase, but their state and distribution are different.The post-weld solution and aged operation carried out in the case of annealed welds leads to a coarsening and homogenous of the acicular α, the microstructures is typically reticular structure.The welds in solid solution state were given a relief annealed after welding, whose microstructure at FZ is tempered martensite α in side prior β grains and at grain boundary α.It induced that the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of annealed state welds is less than that of solution treated welds, but the impact toughness of the former is greater than that of the latter.However, the UTS and impact toughness of these two kinds of welds are greater that that of base metal.


