Forming mechanism of flash butting welded joint of SiC particle reinforced aluminium matrix composite(SiCp/3003Al)
摘要: 研究了用闪光对焊方法对SiCp/3003Al复合材料的焊接问题。在合适的工艺条件下,使用闪光对焊方法可以对SiCp/3003Al复合材料进行有效的焊接,其接头质量良好。借助于扫描电镜和能谱分析等微观分析手段,对闪光对焊接头的形成机理进行了深入地研究,对接头中的显微组织、SiC颗粒的分布状态以及SiC-Al间的界面反应问题进行了分析讨论。结果表明,在闪光对焊过程中发生的金属过梁爆破和接头端部塑性变形有助于清除接头中的气、固态杂质,形成无气孔、杂质和裂纹等缺陷,组织致密,结合良好的焊接接头;SiC颗粒在接头区域中的相对富集有利于接头强度的提高;同时闪光对焊时焊接温度低,焊接时间短,有利于减小SiC-Al间界面反应对接头质量的不利影响。Abstract: The studies were conducted by flash butting welding of SiC particle reinforced 3003 aluminium matrix composites. The welding process of SiC particle reinforced 3003 aluminium matrix composite can be conducted effectively and the joint of high quality can be gained under the appropriate flash butting welding parameters. The forming mechanism of the joint was studied by means of EDX unit and SEM. The distribution of SiC particles in the joint and interface reaction of SiC-Al were analyzed and discussed. The results show that the impurities of gas and solid state can be removed and the sound joint without gas hole, impurities and cracking can be gained by means of the burst of metal beam and the plastic deformation of joint interface in the flash butting welding process, and the joint possesses high strength owing to the SiC particle gathering in the joint zone.When the SiC-Al reacted, the harmful affection for the joint quality can be reduced because of low welding temperature and short welding time in the flash butting welding process.