Bonding of titanium alloy sheet and stainless steel web
摘要: 采用不同的滚焊和真空扩散焊工艺研究了TC4钛合金板与00Cr18Ni13不锈钢丝网的异质接头的焊接问题。焊缝显微分析显示,无论是滚焊或真空扩散焊,无论焊接参数大小,都无法避免异质接头直接扩散焊时产生内应力和脆性的金属间化合物相,并形成裂纹。滚焊和较小的焊接参数只能减少焊接缺陷的产生,较大的焊接参数的扩散焊直接导致未熔合和开裂。采用中间过渡层并产生微观机械咬合的焊接接头性能较好。Abstract: The seam resistance welding and vacuum diffusion welding of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy and 00Cr18Ni13 stainless steel with different welding parameter were investigated and the microstructure of joints were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and X-ray energy dispersive analysis. The results showed that the occurrence of tension stress and brittle intermetallics phase are inevitable in joints and microcracks will be observed. Seam resistance welding and low parameter can not eliminate the welding defects but decrease them. Vacuum diffusion welding with high parameter can result in poor fusion, cracks.Joint with titanium as transition layer which physical grip possesses good properties.