Collision avoidance strategy of remote welding teleteaching based on touch sensing
摘要: 在遥控焊接遥示教过程中,为避免遥控焊接从机器人和焊接工件产生强烈碰撞,通过对遥控焊接触觉系统的从机器人与焊接环境接触力分析,在接触力PID控制模型基础上,提出了遥控焊接柔性力接触控制策略。包括遥控焊接接触力分段控制策略、异常情况的接触力稳定性监控决策算法、任务自适应仿人智能算法。结果表明,和常规PID控制器比较,采用接触力柔性接触控制策略,能够明显减小接触力振荡幅值,缩短接触力稳定时间,提高了遥控焊接遥示教从机器人与焊接工件之间力交互作用下的操作性能。Abstract: To avoid strong collision between the welding slave robot and the workpiece during remote welding teleteaching process (RWTP), by analyzing the touch force and, the soft-force touch control strategy was put forward based on the PID control model.It includes the subsection control strategy, the decision algorithm of touch force stability in abnormal circumstances and the task self-adapting human-simulation intelligent control (HSIC) of touch force. Compared with PID controller, the experimental results show that the soft-force touch control strategy can obviously reduce the oscillating scope of touch force, shorten the time of touch force stabilizing and improve the operated capability of touch force during the remote welding teleteaching.