

Approximate modification method of welding stress determination by impact indentation strain method

  • 摘要: 压痕应变法作为近年来出现并已得到工程应用的一种新型残余应力测量技术,正在受到日益重视。目前通过应变增量计算残余应力的方法仍然是通过事先试验标定,测量超强或低强匹配焊缝中的残余应力时采用的仍然是母材的标定系数,因而会带来严重误差。首先对压痕周围物理变形场进行了相应分析,继而提出一种计算焊缝残余应力的近似修正方法,从而使焊缝应力的测量精度大大提高。


    Abstract: The impact indentation strain measurement technique, as a new residual stress determination method, is increasingly applied. The calibration method is necessary through strain overlap increment to calculate residual stress. The great error could be produced in measuring the residual stress in a weld with the use of calibration coefficient for the base metal instead of the weld metal. The physical deformation was analyzed firstly, then an improved method to approximately calculate weld stress was put forward. It makes the measuring accuracy of residual stresses raise remarkably.


