Fracture mechanism of lead-free soldered joints of rectangular chip component
摘要: 采用微焊点强度测试仪测试了Sn-Ag-Cu钎料和Sn-Pb钎料钎焊的矩形片状元件钎焊接头的抗剪强度,并对焊点断口进行了扫描电镜分析。结果表明,Sn-Ag-Cu无铅钎料焊点的抗剪力明显大于Sn-Pb钎料焊点的抗剪力,但是两种焊点的剪切力变化曲线相似,表明焊点在剪切失效前都有明显的塑性应变过程。断口SEM分析发现,两种焊点的断裂位置都位于钎料与元件底面焊盘的界面处和钎料与元件侧面焊盘的界面处,且Sn-Ag-Cu钎料焊点的性能都比Sn-Pb钎料焊点的性能优异,说明Sn-Ag-Cu钎料完全可以替代Sn-Pb钎料钎焊矩形片状元件。Abstract: Shear strengths of rectangular chip component soldered with Sn-Pb solder and with Sn-Ag-Cu solder were studied by means of STR-1000 micro-joints tester and microscopic fractography by SEM. Fracture appearance of the joints was also analyzed.The results indicate that shear strength of the joints soldered with Sn-AgCu is greater than that with Sn-Pb, but the shear curves of two kinds of joints obviously show that plastic strain appear before joints crack. SEM analysis of the fractures illustrates that cracks are located in two interfaces:one is between solder and component bottom pad, the other is between solder and component side pad, and the performances of the joints soldered with Sn-Ag-Cu solder are better than that with Sn-Pb solder, which illuminate that Sn-Pb solder can be completely replaced by Sn-Ag-Cu solder.