

Plasma cloud sensing of keyhole molten pool during pulsed plasma arc welding

  • 摘要: 在探针法检测等离子云理论基础上,研制了实用化的多探针等离子云传感器,并利用尾焰传感器对比检验了所设计传感器的可靠性和检测精度。将等离子云传感器应用于脉冲等离子弧焊穿孔熔池小孔状态检测,并对检测信号的波形特征做了深入研究。分析表明,等离子云检测信号中负脉冲信号可以作为脉冲等离子弧焊穿孔熔池的状态变化的特征判据,负脉冲信号的频率则可以作为脉冲焊接是否保持"一脉一孔"焊接的特征判据。等离子云电压信号可以很好的反映穿孔熔池的状态。


    Abstract: Based on the theory of sensing the plasma cloud with a metal probe,an applied multi-probe plasma cloud charge sensor was developed,and its reliability and precision were tested and compared with a designed efflux plasma charge sensor.The plasma cloud charge sensor was applied to detect the status of keyhole molten pool during pulsed plasma arc welding,furthermore, the detected signals were studied.As a result,the detected undershoot of plasma cloud signal can be used as the criterion of the keyhole molten pool's status,and the frequency of the undershoot can be used as the criterion to judge whether the pulse welding is one-pulse-one-keyhole or not.It was shown that the detected plasma cloud signal can reflect the keyhole molten pool's status.


