SINTAP标准和BS 7910标准中FAD图评定方法横坐标求解方法的比较及分析
Comparison and analysis of the abscissa of the FAD in SINTAP and BS 7910
摘要: 在对结构进行安全评定时,现在国际上通用的两种评定标准为SINTAP标准和英国标准BS 7910。两标准中均包含了FAD(失效评定)图的评定方法,对该方法的横坐标求解进行了比较和分析。在SINTAP标准和标准BS 7910中,FAD图的横坐标均表征了结构趋向于塑性失效破坏的程度,秉承的思路是相同的,但是在具体的求解中两标准却又互不相同。同时,在标准BS 7910中,不同的评定级别,FAD图的横坐标求解也不相同。文中以一个评定的实例进一步加以说明,对于同一结构中的缺陷,由于两标准中考虑因素不同,因此求解得到的横坐标的结果也不相同,而且标准BS 7910中不同评定级别得到的结果也不同,即评定的保守度互不相同。Abstract: There are two assessment standards——SINTAP and BS 7910 to perform a safety assessment.Both the standards have an assessment method which make use of a FAD(failure assessment diagram).The methods which measure the value of the abscissa of the FAD in the two different standards were compared and analyzed.In SINTAP and BS 7910,the abscissas of the FAD indicate the proximity to plastic collapse of the structure.That is to say,the basis of assessment is the same in two standards,but as the detail methods of calculating the values of the abscissas of the FAD are different.Furthermore,in BS 7910,when the levels of the assessment are different,the method of calculating the values of the abscissas of the FAD are different.An example was offered to give a further interpretation.When a same fracture was assessed in a same structure by using the two standard,different results were obtained because the factors which were taken account in the two standards are different.Moreover,the values of the abscissa in different levels of the assessment are different.All these interpret that the conservative degrees of the assessment are different.