Microstructure and mechanical propertites of SiC joint brazed with heat resistant active brazing alloys
摘要: 采用一种钴基高温活性钎料钎焊SiC陶瓷,研究了钎料厚度、钎焊温度对接头组织,特别是界面反应区组织以及接头室温四点抗弯强度的影响。结果表明,钎料与SiC陶瓷的反应界面可分为富Ni、Co,富Cr及富Ti的三个区域。Ni、Co等元素在陶瓷/钎料界面强烈富集,表现出强的界面活性的特点,Cr元素次之,而Ti元素的活性作用表现并不明显,在距陶瓷/钎料界面一定距离处形成一条富Ti的条带。在1150℃保温10min的钎焊规范下,对应钎料厚度为120μm时获得的接头室温四点抗弯强度最高,平均达到160MPa。Abstract: SiC ceramics were bonded with a cobalt based heat resistant active brazing alloy.The effect of brazing alloy thickness and brazing temperatures on the joint microstructurs and four point bending strength was studied.Results show that the SiC/brazing alloy interface could be divided into three zones,one rich in Ni and Co,one rich in Cr and another rich in Ti.Ni and Co elements integrated at the interface,while the active Ti element distributed in the area with some distance from the interface.When the joint was brazed at 1150℃ for 10 min and the thickness of brazing alloy is 120 μm,the four point bending strength of joints reached the maximum with an average value of 160 MPa.