Wavelet signal processing system in arc-sensor
摘要: 利用小波分析所具有的良好时域、频域局部性的特点,结合DSP(数字信号处理器)技术,设计了基于小波变换的带通滤波器,并把此滤波器应用于旋转电弧的信号处理。该滤波器的中心频率可以根据旋转频率中自动调整,而带宽可以通过改变软件参数来调整。试验结果表明,电弧信号经该滤波器处理后,其信噪比得到了大大提高。Abstract: Making use of them erits of local property in time do-main and frequency domain of thew avelet analysismerhod,combining with digital signal processing techruque,the author designed a band-passfilter based on the w ave let transformation and applied it to the signal-pro-cessing of the rotating-arc.The center fiequncy of the filter could be ad-justed automatically acciordng to the revolving~equency,and the band-width of the filter could be ad justed by changing the software parameters.The experiment results showed that the signal-to-noise ratio of the signalsprocessed by the filter could be improved significantly.