

Nanocrystalline WC/Co grains refined by laser sintering

  • 摘要: 采用激光烧结技术对纳米WC/Co粉末进行了非平衡烧结的初步研究,通过X射线衍射分析和透射电镜显微分析(TEM),发现激光烧结不仅能够保持纳米WC/Co为纳米晶结构,还可望使纳米WC晶粒进一步细化。如原纳米尺寸平均为150nm的WC/Co,经一定功率密度的激光烧结后(激光功率为1000~1600W,扫描速度为2~2.5m/min),其晶粒平均尺寸变为30~45 nm。


    Abstract: Non-eqt ilibrium sintering of nanocrystalline WC/Co powder was processed by laser sintering.The X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscope and transmiasion electron microscope analyses showed that the original nanostructure feature of WC/Co powder was maintained after sintering;further more,the initial nanocrystaline grains were further refined.After the raw powder with average grain size of 150 nm was sin.tered at laser power of 1 000-1 600W and scan speed of 2-2.5 m/min,the grain size in sintered sample decreased to 3045 nm.


