Repression of porosity with beam weaving laser welding
摘要: 针对激光深熔焊过程中易出现的气孔问题,作者提出光束摆动激光焊接减小气孔倾向的工艺。利用3 kW快轴流CO2激光器分别对激光焊接过程中可能出现的氮气孔和氩气孔进行了试验研究。结果表明,光束摆动激光焊接对氮气孔有显著的消除效果,随着摆动频率的增加,气孔急剧减少,并且在摆动幅度仅为0.5 mm的情况下,就可以起到消除气孔的效果;光束摆动激光焊接对于抑制氩气孔也有一定作用,摆动频率越大,摆动幅度越大,对熔池的搅拌越大,越有利于气泡的逸出,焊缝中氩气孔越少。Abstract: Porosity is apt to occur in deep penetration laser beam welding, which has severe influence on the mechanical properties of laser welded joint. In this paper, repression of porosity with beam weaving laser welding was investigated. Considering Ar and N2 porosities which may appear during laser welding, welding experiments were carried out by using a 3 kW high power laser. The results indicate that beam-weaving laser welding can remarkably reduce N2 porosity with weaving frequency increasing, and porosity can be eliminated when weaving amplitude is only 0.5 mm. Beam-weaving laser welding can also effectively reduce Ar porosity. Ar porosity in weld metal is decreased with increasing weaving frequency and amplitude.